Terms and conditions

THESE TERMS AND CONDITION ARE BINDING AND ENFORCEABLE AGAINST ALL PERSONS (USERS) THAT ACCESS mpumalanga news room WEBSITE OR ANY PART THERE OF (mpumalanga news room) IN TERMS OF SECTION 11 OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSACTIONS (ECT) ACT 25 OF 2002. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS YOU MUST LEAVE mpumalanga news room WEBSITE NOW, AS FURTHER USE WILL AUTOMATICALLY BOUND YOU TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION a. References herein to the mpumalanga news room website or content shall include any part thereof; b. References herein to User(s) means any person who access the mpumalanga news room website, notwithstanding the fact that such a person only visited the home page of the mpumalanga news room website; c. References herein to the singular includes the plural and vice versa; and d. Notwithstanding the fact that hyperlinks in these terms and conditions to copyright notices and legislation should be deemed part of these terms and conditions in terms of section 11 of the ECT Act, the fact that some or all of the hyperlinks may be non-operational, shall not play a role in the validity and interpretation of these terms and conditions. 1. GENERAL 1.1 mpumalanga news room, South Africa’s online news service, provides groundbreaking news from around the world around the clock. With an emphasis on South African and African news, mpumalanga news room provides comprehensive English coverage of general news, business, sport and other major interest areas. In addition to high-quality news, mpumalanga news room provides a range of additional interactive services. 1.2 Agencies not affiliated to mpumalanga news room have their own terms and conditions of use and Users are bound to those terms and conditions as far as content on the Spotlight Newspaper website originates from such agencies. 2. ALLOWED USE AND LICENSE 2.1. Mpumalanga news room licenses the User to view, copy, download and print the content of the mpumalanganewsroom website, provided that: 2.1.1 such content is used for personal, educational and/or non-commercial purposes only; and 2.1.2 any reproduction of content from the mpumalanganewsroom website includes the following copyright notice: © mpumalanganewsroom 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2.2 Content from the mpumalanga news room website shall not be used or exploited for any commercial and non-private purposes without the prior written consent mpumalanga news room. 2.3 Users may only access and use the mpumaLanga news room website for legal purposes. 2.4 Use of content from the mpumalanga news room we site in electronic clipping services or personalised news services shall only be allowed if such electronic clipping service or personalised news service: 2.4.1 does not copy or provide the whole article, as it appears on the mpumalanga news room website, but only provide a short summary of the contents of the article; 2.4.2 acknowledges mpumalanga news room as the source of the content; 2.4.3 provides a correct and working hyperlink to the source of the content or article on the mpumalanga news room website; 2.4.4 acknowledges writers, journalists, photographers and third party agencies as they are acknowledged on the mpumalanga news room website; and 2.4.5 includes the date upon which the content was sourced from the mpumalanga news room website in the summary of the content. 2.5 The caching of the mpumalanga news room website shall only be allowed if: 2.5.1 The purpose of the caching is to make the onward transmission of the content from the mpumalanga news room website more efficient; 2.5.2 The cached content is not modified in any manner whatsoever; 2.5.3 The cached content is updated at least every 12 (twelve) hours; and 2.5.4 The cached content is removed or updated when so required by mpumalanga news room. 2.6 If any person uses content from the mpumalanga news room we site in breach of the provisions detailed herein: 2.6.1 mpumalanga news room reserves the right to claim damages from such person; and 2.6.2 mpumalanga news room shall not be liable, in any manner whatsoever, for any damage, loss or liability that resulted from the use of such content by such person or any third party. 2.7 Hyperlinks to the mpumalanga news room website from any other source shall be directed at the home page of the mpumalanga news room website. Mpumalanga news room shall not be liable, in any manner whatsoever, for any damage, loss or liability that resulted from the use of content from the mpumalanga news room website, if such content was accessed through a hyperlink not directed at the home page of the mpumalanga news room website. Persons that wish to link to content beyond the home page of the Spotlight Newspaper website shall do so at their own risk and undertake to indemnify mpumalanga news room against any loss, liability or damage that may result from content on the mpumalanga news room website, if such content was accessed through a hyperlink not directed at the home page of the mpumalanga news room website. Mpumalanga news room’s non-liability for deep linking is based on the fact that deep links bypass these terms and conditions. 2.8 Users may quote small and reasonable amounts of content available from the mpumalanga news room website only if such quote is placed in inverted commas, the author is acknowledged and a hyperlink to the quoted content is provided as a footnote to such quote. 2.9 No person may frame the mpumalanga news room website, in any manner, without the prior written consent of mpumalanga news room. 2.10 Apart from bona-fide search engine operators and use of the search facility provided on the mpumalanga news room website by Users, no person may use or attempt to use any technology or applications (including web crawlers or web spiders) to search or copy content from mpumalanga news room website for any purposes, without the prior written consent of mpumalanganewsroom. 2.11 All licenses and/or permissions granted in terms of this clause 2 are provided on a non-exclusive and non-transferable basis and may be terminated or cancelled by mpumalanga news room at any time without giving reasons therefore. 3. 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SOFTWARE AND EQUIPMENT It is the responsibility of the User to acquire and maintain, at his/her own expense, the computer hardware, software, lines and account to access the Internet and the mpumalanganewsroom website. 5. DISCLOSURES REQUIRED BY SECTION 43 OF THE ECT ACT Access to the services and content available from the Spotlight Newspaper website is classified as “electronic transactions” in terms of the ECT Act and there for Users have the rights detailed in Chapter 7 of the Act and mpumalanganewsroom has the duty to disclose the following information: 5.1 The full name and legal status of the website owner: mpumalanganewsroom (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2015/037411/02; 5.2 Street address: 4393 zwelisha street 1245 5.3 Postal address: p.o box 2360 kabokweni 1245 5.4 Physical address of receipt of legal service: stand 4393 zwelisha trust

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